Let Your Representatives know that we can't accept a bill like HR 1313 passing through the House On March 2, 2017 Rep. Virginia Foxx introduced the Preserving Employee Wellness Act (H.R. 1313) which, supporters of the legislation claim, provides needed flexibility for Employee Wellness plans. However, the bill also includes provisions that endanger our privacy and right to keep our genetic information out of the hands of our employers or even third parties. The HD community worked hard to pass the Genetic Information and Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) in 2008, and we won't allow anything to compromise those protections. As a community, we can't accept a bill that opens the doors to employers requesting genetic testing to participate in wellness plans while allowing harsh penalties for opting out. Let your Representative know today that compromising the protection of our genetic information is unacceptable, and ask them to oppose HR 1313! Go here to send your email:  http://cqrcengage.com/hdsa/app/onestep-write-a-letter?6&engagementId=314913